Dealing With Dry Skin in the Winter

Dry Skin in the Winter

Those prone to dry skin may find it nearly impossible to keep their skin well moisturized in the winter. This may be due to the changes in humidity and temperature, leading to irritated skin. The severity of dry skin varies from person to person, and there are a variety of treatments that will help alleviate the symptoms and prevent it from becoming a recurring problem.

Causes of Winter Dry Skin

Dry Skin in the Winter


When winter hits, there is a drastic change in temperature and humidity which construct the ideal conditions for xerosis, another term for dry skin.

A combination of lipids and dying skin cells make up the skin barrier, which is the outer surface of the epidermis. This barrier creates a layer of protection from any toxins that attempt to enter the body. However, when the skin barrier receives damage, the skin becomes dry and irritated. This is why it is essential to moisturize your skin, especially during the winter months.

During the winter, it is common to turn the heat up high, which takes away the humidity in the home and, as a result, affects moisture availability for the skin. On the other hand, the cold temperature and harsh winds outside will remove any remaining moisturizing oils from your skin.

Signs of Winter Dry Skin

Signs that you struggle with winter dry skin are similar to dry skin during other seasons but are usually worse during the cold months.

If your skin has become flaky and itchy, that is a clear sign of dry skin. There may also be some redness or rough patches on your skin and a stinging feeling or a raw, sensitive feeling. If you have dry skin, you may only experience one symptom, or you could have several symptoms. The good news is that various treatments are available to return moisture to your skin.

Treatment for Winter Dry Skin

Dry Skin in the Winter


When dealing with dry winter skin, the ultimate goal is replenishing the necessary moisture. The best idea is to find an easy skin care regimen that thoroughly moisturizes your skin. You do not need to overload your skin with products. Sometimes all you need is a good moisturizer, with the addition of lavender oil, particularly one from Young Living that supports healthy skin and planet initiatives, to keep your skin from drying out during the winter. Essential oils are great additions to your moisturizer of choice. Also, by purchasing oils through them, you invest in programs that aid in nurturing programs and assisting in rescuing those harmed by exploitation.

Ultimately, you want to choose a moisturizer that is not filled with perfumes and chemicals. You want to avoid any that contain alcohol since that will create the opposite effect on your skin. It is also good to know that thinner creams, gels, and lotions tend to cause a stinging feeling in your skin and cause further irritation. The best option for a moisturizer is one that is thick, greasy, and not smothered in perfume.

Preventing Winter Dry Skin

Dry Skin in the Winter


As the temperature changes, there are ways you can avoid your skin becoming dry and irritated during the winter.

Firstly, you will want to consider adjusting your skin care regimen to give your skin a better chance of retaining moisture during the cold months. For example, try exfoliating scrubs, face masks, or steam treatments, as these can irritate your skin and dry it out in the winter.

Secondly, you will want to ensure that you stay well hydrated. Drinking plenty of water will increase your skin’s moisture levels and help it remain smooth and healthy. Also, taking supplements with omega-3 or omega-6 is helpful.

As the winter months begin, you usually turn your heat up high. Unfortunately, this can take the humidity out of the air in your home, which could cause your skin to dry out. To help avoid this, consider running a humidifier in your home in the winter, so you avoid this problem.

Finally, you want to ensure that when your skin is well protected when you go outside in the winter since it is common for people to experience dry skin on their hands; with the constant washing and sanitizing of your hands and exposing them to the cold, it is no wonder it is common for dry skin to appear.

Winter dry skin is common, but it does not have to happen. However, understanding the causes can help you know how best to prevent them from happening.

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