Helpful Guide to Make Your Bathroom Shower Friendly

bathroom shower

A bathroom is a small place in your home, but it is very important. Your daily schedule starts with a shower.  So, it is very essential to keep this place clean and free from any type of bacteria or toxins. The bathroom is one of the places which is usually overlooked. But it should be taken care of consciously as it is the place where you can save a huge amount of water and energy wastage. One of the best ways to save water is to use showers for a bath at

bathroom shower


It will save about 20 liters of water on average. People usually look for different things like use solar panels to make their homes eco-friendly. Making your bathroom eco-friendly can save water and energy.

As per The Center for Disease Control and Prevention, about 2,35,000 people slip in the bathroom and suffer from injuries. Almost 14 percent of them are hospitalized. The injuries due to slipping in the bathroom can be generally seen in those of ages 15-25 years. So, there is a guide for you in this article to make your bathroom eco-friendly and also protect yourself from such injuries.

Guide to make your bathroom shower eco-friendly
Install an Eco-Friendly Shower Head

bathroom shower


Every one of us wants an efficient and eco-friendly shower which saves water and energy. For installing an eco-friendly shower follow the steps given below- At first, simply remove the old shower by rotating it counterclockwise. Some minerals might have build-up or dirt must have stuck with it because of which it cannot be removed.

You can use vinegar and soak a paper around it to remove the dirt and the shower head extension will easily come out. After that put a thin layer of Teflon tape around the water line Now the next and last step is to attach the new shower head in the part where you have put the teflon tape.

Use paperless automatic toilet system

bathroom shower


The paperless toilets were developed in Japan which can clean the posterior without the use of tissue paper. Also, using toilet paper is an environmental crime as using it means cutting down more trees. Using an automatic toilet system will provide you a hygienic and dry cleaning. Also, it will be eco-friendly and will not lead to cutting down of trees. In the automatic toilet system, a nozzle is attached at the back of the toilet seat and you can open it whenever required and the water will flow and provide you efficient cleaning.

Toilet papers adversely affect the environment due to various chemicals used in it and the cutting of trees. In the Western world, a large amount of toilet paper is used due to which excessive tree cutting takes place. So, the high technology automatic toilet system has been developed. At your command, the warm and right flow of water will come out to provide you efficient cleaning and hygiene. Once you are cleaned you can close the nozzle. Some automatic toilet systems have three temperature settings.  So, using an automatic toilet system is always a better option and the best way to make your toilet eco-friendly.

Add toilet safety rails to enhance support

bathroom shower


Using toilet safety rails helps to prevent accidents and help aged persons in getting up and sitting down on the toilet seat. It provides stability and makes it easy to hold weight.

It is best for old persons as they will not need help from a family member. It offers additional safety to your bathroom. Some of the best toilet safety rails are-

  • Windsor fordable & portable toilet rail –It can be easily installed and no need to change your bathroom to install this. It is portable and transportable as it can be easily folded up. It has a large weight capacity and is corrosion resistant. It is very light in weight and provides stability and support and is easy to store.
  • Drive medical safety toilet rail – It provides great stability and comes with a magazine holder. The handles are very durable and comfortable that can hold enough amount of weight. It is very easy to install and you are not required to remove the toilet seat to install it. The design is very good and it is one of the best safety rails for seniors.
  • Carex Health Brands FGB safety toilet rail – This is one of the best selling toilet safety rails and provides support and stability. They can be directly attached to the seat. You can fit it according to your height. It has a great weight capacity of 300 pounds. This is very durable and comfortable.
Store Items Within Reach

bathroom shower


All the items which are required in the bathroom can be easily reached and available, especially for the old age persons. They should not need to make any efforts like bending or stretching. For this purpose, you can install a shower caddy that can stick to a wall at an average height. You can also use a dispenser on the wall so that the bathroom items do not fall and can be easily reached.

Declutter the Unnecessary Items

bathroom shower


Your bathroom is always filled with a lot of materials like toothpaste, shampoos, soaps, etc.  If your bathroom shelves are being filled with a lot of items then, one time or another they will surely fall and in case of an old person, they will have to bend to pick them up. Seniors have less flexibility and mobility and bending and stretching may hurt them. So, you must remove all the unnecessary items from your bathroom.

Install Non-Slip Mats

bathroom shower


The bathroom involves the use of a lot of water due to which there are more chances of slipping in the bathroom. Many people slip and get injured while coming out of the bathtub or shower. So, to prevent such accidents you must use the non-slip mats. You must keep these mats outside the bathroom, next to showers and in front of the toilets. Installing such mats is very beneficial and will make your bathroom less risky. This will ensure safety. All these measures will reduce the chances of accidents in the bathroom.

Use Energy Saving Contrast   And Colors

bathroom shower


People think that bathrooms should have high powered lights. But actually, the bathrooms should have energy-saving lights and light colors. As high powered lights waste energy and electricity and also affects the seniors. Using contrast lightning colors will save your energy and make your bathroom eco-friendly. So one must use light and contrast colors lightning in your bathrooms to ease seniors and also save energy.

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Some more important tips to make your bathroom usage friendly
  1. You can install a phone in your bathroom which is waterproof and can be accessed easily. So that if there will be any emergency then, the person inside the bathroom can call anyone to help them.
  2. The hot and cold water taps should be differentiated properly by labeling them. So that the seniors do not get confused.
  3. The bathroom should be large enough so that even a wheelchair can come inside.
  4. Installing grab bars is another way to make your bathroom eco-friendly.
  5. The toilet seats must be adjustable and can be raised accordingly.

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