Gaining Confidence: How Important is Your Smile?

beautiful smile

A famous old song assures us that, “When you’re smiling, the whole world smiles with you,” and science backs up that claim. Studies show that smiling also provides plenty of other benefits. People are drawn to those with pleasant expressions and have higher opinions of them. Most people appear more confident, better looking, and even thinner when they are smiling. Others may also see them as more successful.

Smiling Can Make You Feel Better

beautiful smile


The power of a smile is such that even forcing a happy expression can make you feel better. Our brains are wired to associate smiling with happiness, so making an effort to look positive can improve your mood. People with straight white teeth are much more likely to grin often. Fortunately, if you weren’t blessed with perfect teeth, a modern dental clinic will make corrections that result in a beautiful, confident smile.

People Respond Positively to Smiles

beautiful smile


According to experts at The Art of Charm website, smiling makes you appear more likable. Most people view a smiling person as friendly and confident. Men who smile warmly seem more approachable, so women feel more comfortable around them. All types of people are quicker to speak with you if you are smiling. That can make it easier to overcome shyness and make new friends. Getting comfortable with strangers is an especially vital first step if you want to have an active dating life.

A Smile Makes You More Attractive

beautiful smile


Studies also show that others see you as younger and thinner when you are smiling. An article in Psychology Today reported that college students who were asked to estimate the age of several older people guessed that smiling subjects were younger. Students perceived those who frowned as older. Some experts believe this “fountain of youth” effect is due to the fact that a smile acts like a mini-facelift. It turns up the corners of the mouth and raises the cheeks, jowls, and neck. In another study, students who viewed a random selection of computerized sad faces judged them to be heavier than they were. One theory is that people tend to see sad faces as weighted down with care.

Smile to Appear More Successful

beautiful smile


Another good reason to put on a happy face is that it can create the impression of success. Researchers at Beall Research and Training of Chicago discovered that attractive smiles could make people appear smarter, wealthier, and more beautiful. When you smile, others are more likely to see you as likable and competent. A frown might telegraph anxiety, which could make other people wonder if you know what you are doing. That makes a good-looking smile an essential asset in the business world.

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Bright Smiles Can Light Up Rooms

beautiful smile


When you walk into a room with an attractive smile, you can lift other peoples’ spirits because smiling is contagious. Beaming a warm, welcoming smile at people has the same mood-boosting impact on them as it does on you.

An attractive smile provides many benefits. The more you smile, the better you feel, and the better you make those around you feel. Also, you get more beauty tips at live enhanced. Other people are likely to be drawn to you and perceive you as successful and likable.

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