How a Cleaner Home Helps You Lose Weight

Cleaner Home Helps You Lose Weight

If you struggle to lose weight, you are probably looking for anything you can do to help cut the calories and fight the battle against the expanding waistline. Something you might not have considered is how your home cleaning habits can help you to stick to your diet and lose weight faster. Keep reading to find out how that works.

Housecleaning for Weight Loss

woman-elegantly-cleans-floor-with-vacuumLet’s start with the more obvious way that keeping your home clean will assist in the fight to stay fit and healthy. If you are cleaning your home regularly, you are getting some good exercise doing so. Some of the housecleaning tasks will burn quite a bit of calories, helping to contribute toward weight loss.

If you clean your home for about a half hour each day, you can burn anywhere from 17,000 to 18,000 calories on average each month. That can really add up. You may burn or more or less than that depending on the kind of housework you do and whether you choose to work more than 30 minutes each day as you clean. For instance, doing a deep cleaning where you are scrubbing vigorously, you will burn more calories than you would simply sweeping the floor or dusting. If you share house chore duties with a roommate for family members, you could choose to take the more vigorous jobs in order to burn more calories.

Choose Eco Friendly Cleaning Options

Eco Friendly Cleaning Options
source – bhg

The cleaners that are used to tidy up your home make a difference too. If you use conventional cleaners, they can be toxic and cause you some health problems. You may react badly to some of them, which can make it tough to keep to your diet because you aren’t feeling very well. They can interfere with the processes in your body, limiting your ability to diet well and to get the most benefits from what you eat.

On the other hand, if you use eco-friendly cleaners, you can kill germs effectively, clean efficiently, and experience better overall health. Environmentally friendly cleaners can be easier on your body and help you to have a healthier, happier home. If you use a professional service for eco-friendly cleaning in Bronx, you can have the cleaning company do the work and enjoy the benefits of healthy cleaning products in your home. It would be wise to choose a cleaning service that you can trust and that you know will give you environmentally friendly cleaning options upon request, for the safety of your home, yourself, and your family.

Tidier Home Means Better Self Control

cleaning-dust-from-bookshelfThere are connections to having an organized home and having more self-control. If you are organized in one area of your life, you are more likely to be organized in others. If you can practice self-control in one area of your life, you can practice it better in all areas. These are common truisms that relate to your dieting habits as well as to home organization.

You may have a tough time keeping up with your diet, saying “no” when tasty, unhealthy foods are presented to you, and sticking to the strict standards of the diet you have chosen. If that is you, then you may want to look at other areas of your life where you lack control.

You can look at your phone usage, at cleanliness in the home, and at other aspects of your life and try to get those under control better. If you can keep a tidy, organized home where everything is in its proper place most of the time, you will find it is easier to stick strictly to your diet. You will have developed better self-control. It may be easier to work on that control in one area over another. If food is a weakness for you, then strengthen the other areas of your life. By organizing your home well, you will build up the other parts of your life where you lack some self-control and order.

A Clean Home Means Less Stress Eating

Clean Home Means Less Stress EatingDo you eat sometimes simply because you feel stressed, overwhelmed, or unwell? That is called stress eating, and it happens to the best of us. You can overcome this by reducing stress in your life.

One of the ways you do that is by keeping your home tidy and organized. A tidy home reduces stress, whereas a cluttered home increases stress. If you have trouble saying “no” to food when you feel stressed out, you can help yourself by keeping our home as neat and as organized as possible. You especially want to focus on the area of your home where there is food stored and where you spend a lot of time. These are the areas of your house where you will be most likely to give into stress and eat more than you should.

Do you sometimes feel like you don’t want to eat anything healthy? Do you feel like your body craves unhealthy food even though you know you should not indulge? You may be stressed at those times and once again, making sure that your home is neat can help with that. It will reduce the stress and make it easier to turn down unhealthy food. You are more likely to have unhealthy cravings when your home is a mess and you are feeling stressed from that mess.

Closing Thoughts

Did you learn a few things in this article about how your diet and your home’s cleanliness are connected? We hope so. If not, maybe we were able to remind you of a few things that you already knew that you had lost focus of. We hope that this helps you as you try to eat healthier and stay fit.

There are ways to improve your dieting habits just by changing how clean you keep your home and the way you clean it. We wish you all the best as you pursue your dieting goals, and we hope you achieve them.

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