Your Questions About Dental Implants in Singapore Answered

dental implant

Many people today lose their teeth due to teeth disease or injury. There are several treatments available such as bridges or dentures. But many patients today prefer to get dental implants – a permanent replacement for your natural teeth.

What exactly are dental implants?

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Many patients prefer them over the commonly used treatments because they find dental implants more comfortable as they are stable when chewing. Dental implants are mental posts positioned surgically into the jawbone onto which a replacement tooth is put. They can provide enough stability so they don’t move in your mouth and feel more natural because they are put into the bone.

What’s the procedure like?

Dental Implant treatment begins with a consultation like any other medical procedure. During the consultation and initial check-up, your dentist will build an individual plan for your treatment. Thus your individual needs will be met and prepared carefully. Dental clinics in Singapore like DentalDesigns often employ or work closely with an oral surgeon who would perform the implant surgery. After all, this is real surgery and not every dentist has the necessary qualifications.

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And then, the metal root implant is placed into the jawbone which has to heal for around 12 weeks in order to grow around the metal post. After the jawbone is healed, a small metal post, called an abutment, is put onto the implant and will serve as a place for the new tooth. That new tooth is made based on a model of your bite, made by your dentist. The new tooth will match the colour of your natural teeth. Then the replacement tooth is placed onto the root implant. That tooth will feel like a natural tooth.

Should I consider them?

If you have a missing tooth or you have a tooth requiring extraction you might want to consider dental implants. Also if you find dentures inconvenient. It’s important to take care of a missing tooth on time because your teeth might change position and your jawbone might shrink which would make you look older.

What are the pros and cons of dental implants?


  • They feel natural and become permanent
  • Comfortable – because they fuse with the bone over time you don’t have to remove them or be cautious when you chew. You also won’t need adhesives to keep them on during the day.
  • Durable: they will last a long time and even a lifetime with proper care.
  • Better oral health: Unlike bridges, with dental implants, you won’t be needing reducing of other teeth so your natural teeth will be left untouched.
  • Easier chewing: dentures can easily slide while you eat, unlike implants that feel like your natural teeth without pain.

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  • The process is long as there are several steps involved – you’d have to wait around 12 weeks and up to six months so that the implant fuses with the bone.
  • They are expensive. Although you can use MediSave, the process is still going to cost around $2000 to $4000.
  • You may need additional work. In some cases, bone grafting is needed if the jawbone is weak due to a health issue, and in some cases, you might need your sinuses lifted if they are enlarged.

Despite having a few cons the success rate for dental implants is up to 98% and can last a lifetime, making dental implants safe and convenient option.

What about the cost of dental implants in Singapore?

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Costs for a dental implant in Singapore can vary greatly depending on your dentist’s experience, your clinic’s fees and brand of dental implants. In some cases, it might depend on the type of anaesthesia – it would be cheaper to use locally but sometimes general might be required. If you want more natural-looking teeth it will be slightly more expensive. So generally speaking prices for dental implants in Singapore can go anywhere from $2,500 to $4,500 per tooth.

There’s such a huge difference because some cases require more time and effort. For example, if the patient has diabetes or severe gum or bone loss it would make the procedure costlier. And if you’re a patient with no issues – you have healthy gums and bone, then the procedure is straightforward and usually less expensive. You can also use MediSave but they can cover up to $1250 for one implant. There’s no guarantee that your claim will be approved but in most clinics, the staff will submit your request.

Am I a good candidate for dental implants?

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Not everyone can have dental implants. But if your gums are healthy enough for an extraction, you’re probably a good candidate. Patients should also have enough bone for the implant. You might have to get evaluated additionally if you have any health issue such as diabetes, or if you smoke because that might increase the risk of complications. There’s also no age limit to dental implants but you have to be past puberty. Most people without significant health concerns are a good candidate for implants.

Is it painful?

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During the procedure, your dentist will put local anaesthesia and you probably won’t have much pain. After the surgery, you might feel pain and discomfort, soreness which can be treated with pain medications. In some cases, your dentist will prescribe antibiotics to reduce the risk of infections after the procedure.

What should I do after the procedure?

You should take care of them the same way you take care of your teeth if you want implants that will last a lifetime. You should properly clean them, floss them, use mouthwash and schedule regular check-ups. visit live enhanced for more pieces of information.

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